How Do I protect myself against identity fraud or cybercrime?
Basic steps you can take to protect yourself against identity fraud and cybercrime. Those steps include good quality computer protection, keeping up with Window’s patches, quality passwords and a good dose of common sense.
Thousands of innocent victims are impacted by vicious criminals who are only interested in stealing personal information and money. Today’s cybercriminal is so clever and creative that you never know when or where they may pop up. Every day we see and hear stories about identity fraud and cybercrime.
Quality Computer Protection
I recommend a managed pc security service that handles the your security and computer problems for you at an affordable price. This is a new form of computer repair that is just now starting to catch on. It’s no secret, I am not a fan of free-ware or over-the-counter products. For quality computer protection you need to have a professional grade solution on your computer along with a tech service that will take care of your needs when you need it.
Windows Patches
Make sure you computer is up to date with the latest Windows patches. Microsoft is constantly working to keep up with the bad guys who find holes in their products and are taking advantage of them to commit Identity Fraud and other forms of cybercrime.
Quality passwords
Today, these bad guys have tools that constantly work on decoding passwords. Simple passwords can be solved in a short period of time while it could take days or longer with more complicated ones. There has been much written about the importance of quality passwords. Experts tell us we should include capitol letters, numbers and symbols in our password. They also tell us we should make it rather long further complicating how long it takes a cybercriminal to break your login and password.
Now, make sure you don’t use the same password or passwords in various locations. Once a thief discovers a password he will try it everywhere he thinks you may have applied it. You could be vulnerable to a major theft when you use the same passwords everywhere.
The Rule of Common Sense
When you walk around town you avoid the places you think there are bad guys lurking. You need to do the same thing on the Internet, too. Simply stated we live in a rough and tough world with a lot of bad guys who are hiding out on the Internet. It’s just like they are hiding in the alley ways and dark spots in your town. You can’t see them, but they are there.
My rule of thumb is if you aren’t sure about the situations don’t give any information out. Always be careful and wary of anyone who asks for personal information.
They have been known to be lurking in even the safest places on the Internet. So, always, make sure you don’t give out any personal information unless you are 100% sure you are on a secure site and you are dealing with the right people. Today’s cybercriminal is so clever and creative that you never know when or where they may pop up.
Rosemarie Grabowski
PC Security & Identity
Theft Protection
308 687 6085
PC Security & Identity
Theft Protection
308 687 6085
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